Thursday, April 8, 2010

Choral speaking competition...

today Sarawak state level choral speaking competition......after all the teams had performed....i thought that tiong hin n st. teresa r our main competitors for the champion........but then......a school.....which is not so gud as us 3........won the's so funny..........until now i still cant believe it........their conductor is good.....maybe their topic good .....but nothing else is good........walao this can get 1st in Sarawak mo.......wasei...."pro" mo.......after they performed the second time{becoz they r the "champion"}.........i still do not understand why they can get 1st.........their performance only deserves a 4th or 5th position..........but then get 1st.........
i think the participants from smk methodist,smk tiong hin n smk st. teresa from kuching will oso agree......